Monday 10 February 2020

How many staples?!

Oh yes, with all the craziness that's going on you have to worry about someone using a staple remover on your head as well! I will admit, I was incredibly nervous about this and oddly, that was probably the only thing that kept my mind off of waiting for the results! I had no idea how many there would be though, from the looks of the blue tape, it didn't look like much but when they took that tape away...
That is after half of them had been taken out. I was told the gun they use in surgery holds thirty staples so it was likely they used two whole guns. Sixty staples. It's not a thing you ever think about happening to you and even when it does it feels surreal but in the end,  it didn't  hurt much at all, only when they got close to my ear where there was more flesh, and there wasn't too many there.
I had my surgery on the Saturday, as I mentioned before, and the staples came out on the following Thursday so just about five/six days. It seemed quick to me, I was scared the scar would split, but if it's left too long the wound heals around the staples and that isn't good at all.
The nurse was really wonderful, we stopped halfway so I could take a break and have a drink. She got my ice cold water and I could feel it all along my scar! That's normal apparently but very odd indeed!
I think the whole experience took half an hour, there was no blood from the wound at all, just a couple of dots from the staples themselves. It's a scary milestone, but so good to have them out!

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