Friday 7 February 2020

In the begining, an introduction

Hey there and welcome to my blog.
Hard to know where to start but if you found your way here then I'm guessing we have something in common; Brain tumour, so let's start there.
Headaches. That's how it started, just headaches. For four years they seemed to get more and more constant, harder and harder to tame until eventually my eyesight started to change quite dramatically and an optician's appointment eventually got me the MRI scan I needed.
We named the tumour Tuna, it was 78mm by 44mm, rather big! It had impacted not only my eyesight, but my understanding of words and had taken my senses of smell and taste from me. Such things seem unimportant now it's gone, but at the time just about everything was inside out and upside down!
I had the surgery, it was removed completely as well as part of my dura (brain sac) and skull. I was offered radio therapy because of the grade but with nothing visible to aim it at, I declined.
And now, we wait. I am currently on yearly scans and have been given the all clear for the second time. Fingers crossed it keeps going that way.
The reason I decided to start a blog was because when I was first diagnosed, we knew absolutely nothing about brain tumours and had no idea of what it all meant but having lived and breathed my own kind for months on end, I would love to be able to help anyone who is starting the journey and perhaps help them know what to expect. Every tumour is different, of course, as is every person who has them but you don't have to be alone in this!

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